Our Services

Alfa Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre is a rehabilitation center which gives specialized care to children with special needs and stricken with Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Mental retardation, Down syndrome and multiple disabilities like Muscular Dystrophy, Spina-Bifida or other physical and other orthopedic problems.

Our Services Include:


Early Intervention Program

ALFA Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre is more focused on early intervention program for children with special needs rather than conventional physiotherapy treatment.

Early intervention is a systematic and planned effort to promote development through a series of manipulations of environmental or experimental factors initiated during the first five years of life. Early intervention services are designed to meet the developmental needs of children from birth to 3 Yrs of age, who have a delay in physical, cognitive, communicative, social emotional or adaptive development or have a diagnosed condition that has a high probability of resulting in developmental delay.

ALFA Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre provides following tyoes of services as part of early intervention program.

* Early Identification and Assessment with multidisciplinary team

* Family Training, counseling and family support

* Physical Therapy

* Speech Therapy

* Occupational Therapy

* Special & Remedial Education

* Behavioral Therapy

* Recreational Therapy

* Hydro Therapy

* Psychological Services

* Medical and Health Services through referral

* Social Work Services

* Assistive Technology Devices and Services

Beyond helping the child with developmental delays, early intervention also assists the entire family. Training will be provided to parents and caregivers on the special needs of the child as well as specific information and skills for teaching their child.

Pediatric physiotherapy

Pediatric physiotherapy assists in early detection of health problems and uses a wide variety of modalities to treat disorders in the pediatric population.

The therapists are specialized in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of infants, children, and adolescents with a variety of congenital, developmental, neuromuscular, skeletal, or acquired disorders/diseases. Treatments focus on improving gross and fine motor skills, balance and coordination, strength and endurance as well as cognitive and sensory processing/integration.

Children with developmental delays, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, or torticollis may be treated by pediatric physiotherapists.

Health issues that can be treated

  • Difficulty with Gross or Fine Motor Skills
  • Loss of Balance
  • Poor Coordination
  • Weakness
  • Lack of Stamina
  • Developmental Delays
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Spina Bifida
  • Torticollis

Hydro Therapy

Our therapists are specially trained to develop individual and specific exercise programs that are intended to be practiced in the aquatic environment, out of gravity.

The use of water as a carrier and / or resistance allows a safe recovery and a faster return to activities, such as walking, but also the execution of complex movements specific to different sports or physical activities.


Paediatric physiotherapists help children to achieve their optimal physical development. They have specialist knowledge in the movement, development and conditions that are likely to affect the baby and growing child and treat from 1-day-old babies to adolescents. Treatment may involve soft tissue massage, mobilisation, stretching, specific therapeutic exercises and posture education. Because Children are not small adults these therapists encourage children to move to the best of their abilities through play and age appropriate fun and instruction.